Shipping From South Korea

Understanding Prohibited & Restricted Items


If you're planning to ship goods from Korea to your country or another country, it's important to understand what items can and cannot be shipped. Shipping prohibited items can result in legal consequences, so it's essential to be aware of the restrictions. In this article, we'll go over what you can and cannot ship from South Korea.

Prohibited Items

Prohibited items are those goods or products that are strictly forbidden or not allowed to be shipped or transported from one location to another.  The Korean government maintains a list of items that are strictly prohibited from exportation, including:

Restricted Items

Restricted items are goods or products that are subject to certain limitations, regulations, or requirements when being shipped or transported from one location to another. These restrictions are put in place to ensure the safe and legal transportation of certain goods and to protect public health, safety, and the environment.

Korea imposes restrictions on various items, necessitating special permits or licenses for exportation due to heavy regulation. Some examples of restricted items include:

How to Ensure a Successful Shipment

To ensure your shipment goes smoothly, it's important to do some thorough research into the rules and limitations of the country you're sending to. It's a great idea to partner up with a well-regarded package forwarding company that knows the ins and outs of shipping regulations and can guide you through any restrictions.

In addition to that, don't overlook the significance of proper packaging. It's a must to make sure your items are safe during the journey. Clear and accurate labeling and providing all the necessary documents to the shipping company are equally crucial parts of the process. (Check out a list of generally prohibited and restricted items here).


Understanding what you're allowed to send from Korea is a key ingredient for a hassle-free and successful shipping journey. It's a good idea to do your homework and look into the rules and limitations for the country you're sending to. Also, teaming up with a reliable package forwarding company like The K-Addy Forwarders & Shoppers can be a big help. By playing by the rules and following these guidelines, you can make sure your items get from Korea to your chosen destination without any hiccups.

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The K-Addy Forwarders & Shoppers offers convenient  Package Forwarding and Assisted Purchasing services, aimed to make your online shopping from Korea as smooth as possible. SIGN-UP  for FREE and get your Korean Address today.