Thank you for choosing The K-Addy. We value all our customers' experience when using our services. Please read thru our Terms of Use to have a smooth transaction with us.
This Terms of Use is an agreement between the Customer (also referred to as “User”, "Buyer", “you” and all relative pronouns) and The K-Addy (also referred to as TKA, “we”, “our” and all relative pronouns). By signing up for TKA , you agree to abide by all our Terms of Use. You also agree not to misuse our service for any prohibited, immoral and/or unlawful purposes. If you break any laws, rules or regulation (domestic and international), we reserve the right to suspend, delete and block your access to our website. The following is a general outline of our responsibilities as a service provider and your responsibilities as a TKA user.
By agreeing to these Terms of Use, you represent that your are at least the age of majority in your country, state or province of residence. When you Contact Us, we only require your name and email address, however, we will need more detailed information when you Sign Up to request for your 'Korean Address', also referred to as 'Korean Virtual Mailing Address'.
We reserve the right to refuse service to anyone for any reason at any time.
By using our website and services, you agree to comply with our process. You agree to comply with all applicable local, state, national and international laws and regulations (including – but not limited – to all South Korean postal regulations set by foreign jurisdictions and postal couriers).
Inactive Accounts with no data or entries for 8 months or more will be automatically deleted without prior notice to ensure better system performance and security.
You agree not to reproduce, duplicate, copy, sell, re-sell, exploit any portion of the Service, use of the Service or access to the Service or any contact in the Site through which the service is provided, without express permission by us.
You agree not to to transmit any worms or viruses or any code of a destructive nature.
A breach or violation of any of the Terms will result in an immediate termination of your account with TKA.
By using our services, you agree that you are aware that certain goods are prohibited (and thus unshippable). Goods can be unshippable if: they are classified as hazardous, dangerous, prohibited or restricted by IATA (International Air Transport Association), ICAO (International Civil Aviation Organization), or any other relevant organization; and we can’t safely or legally ship them. If we receive goods or products we can’t ship, we will contact you. We reserve the right to refuse any product or goods we feel are unsuitable to ship, even if it is legal. If an “unsuitable purchase” makes it through our receiving process, this does not necessarily mean we can ship it. In this case, the following are your options: dispose the package or return it to the seller. Even if you pay shipping, we may need to void the transaction. We do not accept responsibility for these items or the return shipping fees charged. Check the list of generally prohibited and restricted items here.
We reserve the right to change our functions, processes and fees as we see fit. We will notify you of the changes, at least one month before it takes effect. The following is a general outline of TKA service offerings, our relative responsibilities, and your responsibilities related to using these services:
1. Receiving Packages
After signing up, you agree to update your SHIP FOR ME-> NEW INCOMING ORDER page to give us details of your incoming packages before it arrives at our address. If you do not know the tracking number yet, we will receive your package first and inform you.
Upon receiving your package, we update the status of your orders in your account for easy reference. We can receive “over-sized” packages, although certain fees may apply. An over-sized package is defined as a parcel with any single dimension greater than 120 centimeters, and a total weight greater than or equal to 10 kilograms.
We do not take responsibility if the received items do not match what you ordered, but we are more than happy to help rectify the situation. A package is not our responsibility until we receive it. If it is lost in transit to our address, there is nothing we can do. You may take up any relevant issues with the retailer, sender or carrier.
If an incoming package appears to be damaged, we will inform you right away. This is something you will have to take up with the sender or retailer, and we will help any way we can.
If a package or its contents get lost or damaged within our facility, we will assume full responsibility and will work with you to recover the cost.
2. Storage
We offer 90 days maximum storage for each package which includes FREE storage for the initial 45 days. We charge additional storage fee of US$1.00 per package per day after the initial 45 days. We send a notification to our users 5 days before the 70 day storage period expires. After 90 days, unclaimed packages and/or unpaid consolidated shipments are considered abandoned. TKA reserves the right to dispose of packages and/or consolidated shipments that have exceeded 90 days.
Storage Extensions after 70 days
If you request a storage extension, we may grant it under certain conditions: (1) You must notify us five (5) days prior to the end of your initial 70-day storage period; (2) You must inform TKA of the exact number of days you need for the extension.
Please note that our ability to grant a storage extension is subject to review and dependent on our current capacity at the time of your request.
A late storage fee of US$2.00 per package, per day applies after the initial 70-day storage period ends.
3. Package Photography (Upon arrival and pre-shipping)
Effective 01 January 2025 package photography is free and inclusive the the shipping fees. However, additional fees will be charged if you request for a detailed 'Unboxing Video". For more details, check out our Services & Pricing page.
4. Premium Re-packaging/Consolidation
By default we consolidate and re-pack the packages you selected for forwarding to minimize the volumetric and billable weight. In case you have specific instructions on how to consolidate or re-pack your packages, kindly let us know by adding it in the additional details section of the shipping request form. Consolidation takes between 3 to 5 days to process. After a shipping request is submitted, any additional request to add or remove packages will be denied as this will change the weight of the shipment, and our team will have to re-start the process all over again.
5. Shipping
When you're ready to ship, log in to your account and submit a NEW SHIPPING REQUEST form to notify us.
Our primary shipping partner is EMS Korea Post. If you prefer alternative couriers such as EMS Premium, UPS, FedEx or DHL, please indicate your choice in your shipping request. Kindly note that the rates listed in our shipping fees table apply exclusively to EMS Korea Post. For other courier options, we will provide a separate shipping quote.
When consolidation and re-packing process is completed, we will issue a detailed Shipping Invoice which includes: (1) total billable weight; (2) total amount of optional services (if applicable); (3) shipping insurance (optional); (4) variances from previous shipping and assisted purchasing invoices, and (5) 10% VAT. We will ship your consolidated shipment within 3 to 6 days upon confirmation of payment.
Please note Customs Duties and Taxes are NOT included in the Shipping Invoice. This is calculated at the destination country and is the responsibility of the recipient.
If a package could not be delivered for any reason (wrong address, undelivered, customs clearance failed, etc.) the package would be sent back to TKA address or disposed at the carrier’s local facility according to the carrier’s policy. We will reach out to you if we are notified by the carrier but note that we are not responsible for the packages disposed of or returned if reasonable measures are not taken by the Customer or Recipient on the deadline specified by the local carrier.
In the case of returned packages, return fees, local import duties and taxes and other fees are the charged to customers. TKA has no control over any cost related to return shipments.
Domestic Shipping (shipping to a Korean address)
We provide domestic shipping for special circumstances. A forwarding fee of US$8 per package will be charged in addition to the domestic shipping cost, which typically ranges from $3 to $6 for standard-sized boxes. Packages are shipped as received without repacking, consolidation, or additional handling services. 10 days of free storage is provided for packages designated for domestic shipping, after which storage fees of $1 per package, per day may apply. Please note that we do not ship to commercial or business addresses. By requesting domestic shipping, you acknowledge and agree to these terms.
6. Assisted Purchasing / Proxy Shopping Service
We offer Assisted Purchasing service to users of The K-Addy who are unable to complete transactions or purchases from Korean stores and/or shopping sites. Please note that there are fees associated with this service, including assisted purchasing fee, domestic delivery fee and other handling fees. We do not purchase the products until after you settle the 'Payment of Goods' Invoice.
Sometimes items/goods can not be delivered to our warehouse in one package, in cases like this, you agree to pay additional domestic delivery fees (if any).
If after you pay, we find out while ordering that the cost of your requested goods have changed, we will contact you and request you to pay the difference. All the changes in the cost of goods depend entirely on the seller. To minimize the likelihood of these situations, please pay for your orders as quickly as possible.
TKA is not responsible for stock, pricing and quality of the items/goods that you requested us to purchase. As the requesting party, you agree that you have checked the url link and/or websites of vendors or sellers you have provided to us.
If the product is still in our warehouse, we are willing to help you return it to the retailer or seller. Any returns processed from our warehouse will incur $8 return handling fee. If a return shipping label is not provided by the retailer, you will incur the additional shipping costs.
Once the package/s are shipped from our address to your shipping address, you will need to complete the return process independently. Or you can ship the package back to us and we will assist as outlined in the above.
Refunds (Assisted Purchasing)
Refunds will only be paid if the item requested was not secured, sold out or phased out. This status will be confirmed once TKA orders from retailers or suppliers. Please note the refunds will be processed within 2-5 business days.
Our default payment option is via Paypal. All payments must be in USD. Shipping & Services invoices includes 10% VAT and must be settled within 5 days upon receipt of the user as currency exchange rates fluctuates everyday. After 5 days, unpaid invoices will be automatically cancelled and re-computed. Additional $5.00 will be charged for cancelled invoices. Storage fees will also be re-computed based on Article 2 under SERVICES.
Disclaimer: Paypal transfer amounts are only approximations and not guaranteed. The estimates are based on exchange rates on the day of invoice issue.
1. Import/Export Compliance – Customs Declarations and Values
It is the customer’s responsibility to ensure that a product’s value is correct in the New Incoming Order / Shopping History of your account. It is mutually agreed upon that you are able to alter a product’s customs value; this feature exists so you can accurately display the value (which is not necessarily the retail cost).
Disclaimer: Declaring a lower value is your choice, but it's at your own risk and responsibility.
TKA is responsible for complying with all applicable Korean export laws, rules and regulations. As the owner or recipient of the shipped products/goods, you are responsible for following your country’s import laws and regulations.
2. Insurance, Lost, Damaged or Delayed Shipment
All outgoing shipments with item value below US$70 are automatically insured. For shipments valued over US$70, paying for insurance is OPTIONAL but highly recommended. The courier company is responsible for any loss, damage or delay during shipment which are subject to their compensation policies. If your package is lost, damaged or delayed during shipment, you can file compensation claim with the courier used for the last-mile delivery. In case the courier company, in accordance with their compensation policies, does not cover loss, damage or delay of shipment, TKA will not be held liable for any compensation under any circumstances.
If a package or its contents get lost or damaged within our facility, we will assume full responsibility and will work with you to recover the cost.
If an incoming package appears to be damaged upon receipt, we will inform you right away. This is something you will have to work out with the sender or retailer, and we will help any way we can.
3. Verifying Your Identity
Upon request, we may need to verify your information. This helps prevent fraud. To achieve this, we may need you to verify your identity and payment information. We reserve the right to refuse placing orders or to withhold shipments until everything has been verified. We do not accept checks or cash mailed to our address; and we may investigate your account activity, suspending or banning your usage if necessary.
We reserve the right to modify, terminate or adjust these Terms and Use as we see fit. Should this occur, we will update our customers and users at least one month before it takes effect.
It is customary in the shipping industry to increase prices annually. We reserve the right to pass these increases onto our customers as they are completely out of our control. Additionally, throughout the year, there are fuel surcharge fluctuations that vary from month-to-month, this will be passed on accordingly.
In case you have any thoughts, ideas and/or suggestions on ways we can improve our service and your experience, feel free to let us know. We will make changes that will ultimately benefit all or most of our users.