This "Paid Membership Terms of Use" is supplementary to The K-Addy's original Terms of Use. All conditions outlined in the initial Terms of Use remain applicable in this agreement. This Terms of Use, coupled with our Privacy Policy, constitutes a legally binding agreement between the Customer (also referred to as "User," "Buyer," "you," and all relative pronouns) and The K-Addy (also referred to as TKA, "we," "our," and all relative pronouns).


By agreeing to these Terms of Use, you represent that you are at least the age of majority in your country, state or province of residence. Additionally, you agree not to transfer, share or sell your Membership Plan to another individual.

Upon signing up you agree to comply with our process including fees and discounts that are stipulated on the Paid Membership Pricing Page. Please take some time to read  How it Works and FAQ.


Upon signing up, you are automatically enrolled in the Basic Plan. If you wish to upgrade, send your payment to our Paypal Link, indicate your Customer ID Number and the Membership Plan of your choice. After payment confirmation, we update the details of your membership on the 'MY ACCOUNT' page of your membership dashboard. 

Once paid, the Membership Plan is non-refundable and can not be switched to a different plan. However, you have the option to switch to a different plan once your initial membership expires.

Your membership count down starts when we receive the first package after payment confirmation of your chosen membership plan.


Shipping Request: You can request shipping of your packages anytime during your membership term. To ensure you receive all the benefits of your membership, you agree to request shipping at least 7 days before expiration date.

Unclaimed Package Disposal: We reserve the right to dispose of unclaimed packages if  your membership renewal is not paid on or before expiration date.

You acknowledge that the following services are NOT included in your membership plan:

1.      Shipping Fees (Domestic & International)

2.      Assisted Purchasing fees. (Vary depending on membership)

3.      Detailed Unboxing Video

4.      Disposal or Inclusions Only (sorting, counting, separate and discard some items)

5.      Exchange & Return Fees 

6.      Shipping Insurance

7.      Other personalized requests

These charges, except for Assisted Purchasing fees, will be calculated separately and included in the invoice after you submit your ‘Shipping Request’. You agree that the fees for the services listed above will NOT be deducted or offset against your membership plan.

It is agreed that Assisted Purchasing fees must be settled before we place orders for your 'Shop For Me' requests. We do not purchase the products until after you pay.


Free storage and other services included in your membership plan, automatically ends on the final day of your membership period. We will send an email notification 7 days prior to your membership expiration. In case you wish to renew, you agree to pay the membership fee on or before the expiration date. When your initial membership expires, you have the option to switch to a different membership plan.